“a note from an experienced board examination student: Put those tired hands on your heart and say ‘All is well’ “
“Class 10th Boards” I’m sure you have heard that dreaded phrase before , a sentence that has been haunting you since the day you got introduced to it. Scary thoughts about family expectations, reputation among the teachers and mates , those judging eyes of ‘Sharma ji’ invading your mind like never before , making your hands sweat with nervousness and legs shake with anxiety. Trust me when i say this,
been there done that.
Thousands of students every year enter into the “serious” year of 10th grade and go through the same thing, so get one thing into your mind – you are not going through something special. You are in the same condition as the other one Lakh students who passed 9th grade and now are getting to hear- ” Hmm.. 10th grade, i hope you are studying 24/7 ” by almost all elders.
Feeling better about yourself yet ? Great. Lets move forward. Misconceptions flood the streams every year before these examinations , “Are exams easier or difficult?” “Are prelims made harder on purpose ?” etc etc.
So my first tip would be to have an academic conversation with a trusted 11 or 12 grader that has been through the same roller-coaster as you, from the same school. My second tip would be to get proper sleep, which would probably make you think that I’m joking ( I’m not ). Relaxing not only gives your dopamine a reset but also makes you feel fresh and motivated to study. My third tip for you will be , to have healthy competition with your school mates and friends. Help each other with notes , pointers etc. Always remember success only feels worth it once you have someone to celebrate it with. And my last and for most tip is study (consistently).
I know it sounds pretty obvious , but hear me out.
Boards are considered to be easier than our school examinations but that assumption is not marked with assurity. Council will only be helping those who shall help themselves by studying and working hard for the exams. Once studied for, any test will seem the easiest.
At the end all I’d like to say is , your worth is not determined by your exam results. Life is a spiraling journey of ups and downs and there are vast opportunities and options beyond these boards examinations.
Remember to stay hydrated , eat and sleep well and enjoy your tenth grade while it lasts.