She came home to find that letter on desk. That off-white paper with a tinge of…

I’m a girl, I’m proud

They tell me to wear pink, And let all my emotions shrink, To a size so…

Criminal Chemistry

Oh no, this article has nothing related to a chemistry class; this is the ‘veracity’ class.…

New Eve’s feast

I got enrolled into a nice college 2 years back with my sister. It was far…

Exorcism- The Myth?

Unraveling the blankets of uncertainty over exorcism and deciphering its true meaning through the lens of…

A Call For Soldier

He opened his eyes to let the sunlight dazzle them, But to his surprise found everything…

The Base – Where We Belong

There are 8 planets, That orbit, the sun But, people and animals Live on just one.…

Acta non verba (Actions not words)

I boarded the bus with my physically disabled brother and anticipated a vacant seat. Unfortunately, the…

A New Dawn!

As I wake up in the morning,                   …